
Dota 2 Game Update 6.87

As with most Dota 2, updates heroes are nerfed (weakened), and items are tweaked to rebalance the game. This patch is no different. However, despite being a well-seasoned player, even I am surprised by the changes that Icefrog (nickname of the unknown developer(s)? of Dota) decided to incorporate into the game. Tides have changed my fellow gamers, Earthshaker (hero in the game) is the hero that we deserve.

Earthshaker has become the Wreck-It Ralph that we have always wanted. This new patch allows the Aghanim's Scepter to enchant Totem instead of Echo Slam. This change is huge. The modification allows ES (short for Earthshaker) to jump into the air and cause massive damage to all units anywhere with 900 units. Although, this strategy is not broken (extremely unfair), it is no doubt hilarious in a ranked match. Imagine jumping into the fight using the Scepter' Totem and following through with Echo Slam. That combo alone could significantly weaken, if not kill, a weaker enemy hero.

Not only has Icefrog strengthened ES, he has also made Strength (a character attribute) stronger and Intelligence (a character attribute) different. Each point in Strength gives significantly more boost to a character's health pool and attack bonus if the hero's main attribute is Strength. This tweak makes heroes like Axe, ES, and Lycan some of the most tanky (attribute for able to endure damage) heroes in the game. It has become a battle of tanks and ranged heroes.

An often-overlooked hero in Dota is Axe, the red barbarian-like character with an axe and a bad attitude. In this patch, Axe is a force to be reckoned with. He is not a hero that you would like to face on your own without a full health bar, and mana (magic) bar. His passive attack, Counter Helix is able to deal pure damage without slowing down his hit attacks per second. Although its damage is reduced to balance the game, it does not mean that the attributes such as Strength cannot bring it back up to its original amount. The change to Blade Mail item now allows Counter Helix to return damage dealt and still stay effective for the next set of attacks from enemy heroes. Effectively, Axe has dual layers of defense in addition to other items that he may be carrying. As the Axe frequently says in the game, "Let the carnage begin!"


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