
Tips and Tricks to Help You Test Out 2016's Up-And-Coming Games

Boy with headphones is viewing the monitor of computer during playing computer games, chatting on the internat, watching a video or reading, side view, the face is not visible

Each year, the gaming industry blesses us geeks with a new batch of games from which we can choose our next virtual world of preference. Although it's often sequels of previously popular games that rise to the mainstream surface as the most popular games each year, there are many undiscovered and/or up-and-coming games available to further challenge the skills of seasoned gamers who have been there and done that with heavy hitters like Final Fantasy and Call of Duty. For these gamers looking to find their next challenge, I recommend checking out the following tips and tricks for three up-and-coming games in 2016.

Battleborn comes to us from the makers of Borderlands. The backstory begins with a band of powerful heroes who are out to save the last remaining star in the universe from mysterious evil lurking behind every corner. As you play, you build a personal team of heroes who can fight together or individually in their quest to save the universe.
Credits are the in-game currency that will be necessary to buy loot packs and other items for the game's heroes. You can earn credits by completing a multiplayer game or story mode game to get started, however, you'll earn more points by completing challenges that will appear in the top left corner of your screen. IGN offers up additional tricks here.
If you could use a shortcut during your first go at this game, check out Cheat CC's guide to BattleBorn cheat codes.

This Paradox Interactive game involves the creation and management of your own empire, exploration of space, diplomacy, and warfare. It is a real-time grand strategy game that is set in space as it might be imagined in 2020. Stellaris players are tasked with the duties of controlling their ships and research vehicles as well as preparation and strategy for combat.
Stellaris gamers recommend colonizing early and often in the game so that you have your colony created before you run out of the energy and minerals necessary to build one. It's also recommended to steer clear of overspecializing your warships as it is preferable to spread your military research to make sure you have a variety of weapons. PC Gamer offers up more tips here.
This game can be pretty complex for first-timers, so it might be wise to play in a Stellaris trainer before diving in yourself.

This multiplayer first-person shooter game comes to us from the Blizzard Entertainment labs. Overwatch puts players into two teams of six. Each player selects one of several pre-defined hero characteristics to provide Offense, Defense, Tank, and Support for their team. The game was launched as casual play but Blizzard plans to add competitive versions this summer.
According to Overwatch gamers, this game is one of the unique multiplayer shooters on the market. There is a lot more to it than no scope head shots and twitching thumbs. They say you'll need tactics, teamwork, experience, skill, and moxie to succeed in this game.
A few tips they offer are to think about your team composition, start simple, choose your heroes wisely, and remember that you don't win by killing.
If you're looking for a little more help getting started on this game, you might want to look into a guide that offers an Overwatch trainer and cheats.

Ready to take one of these awesome new games for a spin? What are you waiting for?! Take the tips and tricks provided here and let the gaming commence. If you have a suggestion for another up-and-coming game you think fellow readers should know about, let us know in the comments section.