
Top 5 Tips That Every League Of Legends Player Should Know

league of legends

One of the highly played games all across Europe and North America, League of Legends is undoubtedly a top favorite of the PC gamers, especially action game connoisseurs. Released by Riot Games, League Of Legends commands a huge fan following and statistics of 2014 shows- 67 million people played League per month, 7.5 million+ played during the peak hours and 27 million played per day. The online game follows a multiplayer battle arena where the players would have to pose as unseen "summoner" who will control the champion with exclusive abilities & combat against a group of other gamers or computer-controlled champs. Given its complex and action-packed game-line, League Of Legends can mean an intense experience for the players, especially when they are new to the field. As per the game's stringent account progression policy for the new players, one has to gather 40,000 experience pointers to reach up to level 30- which will set the prelude for Legend's advanced ranked mode.

However, there are some easy tips to make your League Of Legends experience more engaging, convenient and relaxed.

  1. Learn basics of map & different positions

To ensure a solid presence among your teammates, make sure to learn basics of map & different positions of the game. Get a hang of general framework of the Summoner's Rift & the main positions where you can play- such as Top, Mid, Jungle, ADC & Support. The knowledge will enable you to have a smooth and informed conversation with the teammates.

  1. Change Summoner Icon

This is one of the most important tips to recover your LP (League Points) in an emergency. Remember, a gamer entering the ranked matches is initially judged his Summoner Icon. Your League avatar is your sole face of virtual identity, apart from your own name. The icon is meant to absorb all the losses faced by the player just like any dream catcher. You have to swap out the icons regularly which have faced multiple defeats to recover the LP.

  1. Know Legends lingo

As League of Legends is a multiplayer game, you have to be in constant communication with the other players who talk in a specific LOL lingo. Unless you are aware of that you won't be able to make out their suggestions or decisions. So, if you are serious about getting to the LOL mode, make sure to get acquainted with the unique League of Legends lexicon. Some of the most popular terms here are CS, CC, Drag, Gank, Wave Clear etc.

  1. Use ARAM

Whenever it comes to trying out some new stuff in the game, it's better you take to gaming against bots with ARAM (All Random, All Mid) mode. It's a fun mode where the ambience is more relaxed compared to player-versus-player modes and helps you to learn the new things more conveniently- especially when you are not exactly sure on how to work with it.

  1. Find right teammates

A League of Legends is a multiplayer game, there needs to be a healthy camaraderie between the players. Thus, you have to find the right kind of teammates with whom you can enjoy playing and vice versa. If you are a beginner, it's better not to play with the Legends veterans as you might end up annoying them when you keep on dying- which is pretty usual for amateurs. You have to find people who are looking to game at your level- whether you are a newbie or a veteran.

Winding up

When the game gets really intense and you are looking for a breather, a smurf Legends account will be the most helpful. It will enable you to play in simpler and lower ranking with lesser skilled players for an easier fight.