
5 Gadgets To Bring On Your Next Working Vacation

Even for those people who truly love their job, there are few things better in life than taking some time off, getting away from work, and going on vacation. Of course, not all of us are lucky enough to be able to put work completely out of our minds or itinerary when we take a trip, leading to what's known as the working vacation. Fortunately, technology has made things easier for us to get work done while on the go, so the next time you begrudgingly take a working vacation, consider taking these gadgets with you.

Wifi Router

When you travel, you never know where you're going to end up, and while most places have wifi nowadays, you can never be sure, making your own personal wifi router a necessity. If you need to remain in constant contact with your office or with clients, you don't want to take any chances and just assume a hotel, airport, or campground is going to have free wifi. With your own personal router, you'll have all your bases covered and ensure you will be able to work whenever you need to get something done.

Portable Battery Charger

This can be a lifesaver while you're on vacation and need to get something done. Whether you need to use your phone, tablet, laptop, or some other electronic device to do your work, a portable battery charger can allow you to charge two devices without the use of an outlet. This will enable you to stray far from your hotel room or a coffee shop and actually enjoy your vacation, knowing that if you need to get work done at some point and one or more of your devices needs a charge, you'll be covered.

Bluetooth Speaker

Having a speaker system to take on vacation is almost as important as any of your electronic devices. After all, if you have to work on vacation, you can at least listen to something you'll enjoy. Some of the top bluetooth speakers on the market these days can connect to multiple devices at the same time while producing excellent sound quality. Some of them are even water resistant, so if you get caught in the rain or spend some time on your vacation sitting poolside, you'll know that your speakers can handle getting splashed.

Bluesmart Suitcase

How are you going to carry around all the electronic devices you need on your working vacation? Obviously in your Bluesmart carry-on suitcase, which is as high-tech as it gets for a piece of luggage. For starters, there's a GPS sensor in it so you'll be notified if your bag is too far away from you, ensuring the airline won't lose it. There's also a scale to tell you if the bag is overweight for your airline, as well as a digital lock you can control from your phone to ensure nothing can be lost or stolen. On top of all that, there's also plenty of room, with your laptop or tablet fitting into the main compartment, while your charger, router, speakers, and other accessories can fit snug into the bag's other compartments. This bag is also durable and has more than enough space for all the gadgets you need to take on your next working vacation.