
Australian Police vs. Pokémon Go

Charmander Captured by Queensland Police

Pokémon Go has taken the world by storm and Australian's especially have embraced the new trend. Like a zombie apocalypse (if zombie's fed on Pokémon captured on their phones rather than brains) all over the country, general (supposedly) more boring folk like myself walk amongst the dead-set enthusiastic Pokémon lovers, greedy for more. Their heads down, eyeing the world through their phone lens only making a noise when feasting their little hearts on their favourite Pokémon or when bumping into strangers to say sorry.

Whether we're Pokémon Go fans or not, one thing is for certain, Pokémon though fun for many can also be quite dangerous. Dangerous for both pedestrians and drivers as many Pokémon Go players have been caught playing the game behind the wheel to capture Pokémon faster. This of course is dangerous for both playing and non-playing pedestrians. You'll also be fined and get demerit points if you're caught out, like these people did when caught by the New South Wales Police Force.

How to Safely Catch Pokémon

So how can you safely catch Pokémon? The easiest way of course would be to walk to catch Pokémon around your local area. While being a safe pedestrian and looking to watch your surroundings as you do so of course. If you really need to travel further afield to catch all your favourites and rarer Pokémon's, don't drive yourself. Get a friend to drive for you while you catch them on your phone or if you don't have any Pokémon loving buddies, or you do and they're all too busy playing as well, you can hire a Pokémon driver. Yes they have those.

The Australian Police have been urging Pokémon Go players via their social media networks to act safely and in accordance with the law when playing the game. Driving while playing remains the top offence while trespassing on private property to catch Pokémon is another real concern. According to the ACT Police, passengers distracting drivers is another problem. If you have small children who are likely to do this, either get them to only play while walking (rather than driving), this will also prove to be a great excuse for them to get some winter sunshine and exercise or make sure they know the car safety rules.

Follow these tips from the Tasmanian Police to stay safe when playing Pokémon Go:

And these tips from the ACT Police force:

Of course the Australian Police aren't all doom and gloom about Pokémon Go, in fact they love it too. Check out this footage of Kings Park filmed a couple of weeks ago by Police Airwing:

In fact the Western Australia Police Force loves Pokémon so much they've vowed to catch 'em all! See the full post here.

However, the Northern Territory Police Force may just love them the most as the Darwin Police Station features a Pokestop.