
Startups are Now Driving The Eco-Reform

In Florida, it is almost impossible for homeowners to go solar. While solar companies have set up programs to make solar energy much more affordable through a leasing arrangement, local and state government regulations prohibit these programs, so that the only choice is to purchase solar panels outright. Average homeowners can't afford to do that. And why the regulations? Power companies. And Florida is not alone. Most states in the South, where solar power really makes sense, have similar regulations. This governmental resistance goes all the way to the national level, where fossil fuel enjoys a highly privileged position and federal moves into alternative energy are just not there.

Fortunately, we are a crafty and creative bunch, and entrepreneurial start-ups, small and large, are finding ways to lead eco-reform with great new technology and gadgets. Many companies have been in business for a while and are well-funded. Others are small and little-known unicorns, incubating their ideas. Here is a list of some of the most interesting and promising products with promise for a greener future.

1. The Seabin Project

Ocean waste is a huge concern for scientists. In fact, it threatens the entire ecosystem. There are some "big boys" working on ocean clean-up, but this smaller scale startup has a prototype that is already successful in marinas and ports. It has been developed by two Australian surfers who were tired of navigating all of the trash in their locale. The prototype also removes oil. The technology is truly simple, and the founders are looking for investors. This initial small version will go on sale in November, primarily to yacht clubs and marinas, but the simple concept may have much larger applications.

2. Tiny/Elevated Houses

The "tiny house revolution" has been with us for a while. The current appeal is to a small demographic, but it is growing among millennials who want to have a smaller footprint, especially in energy and greenspace use. Another start-up by a group of residential engineers in Hawaii is Elevated Structure, a variation of the theme. These are portable, environmentally-friendly homes that are elevated, allowing more greenspace below as well as the ability to move them at will.

3. Cooling Ourselves

Heat waves are getting more prominent and more frequent. Even the Department of Defense is warning of the security dangers involved in global warming. Major city infrastructures are being taxed beyond limits to provide the energy needed to air condition their populaces, and energy companies are woefully behind in their technology, continuing to rely on fossil fuels. Some creative entrepreneurs are coming up with personal devices to cool ourselves – devices that can be moved from space to space as we move about in our homes. These are ingenious and some cost as little as one-cent per 24 hours of operation.

4. Organic Lawn Care

Two startups are currently making lots of "noise" in care of our green itself. First is WISErg, self-described as a "hybrid technology company combining bio- clean-, and high-tech systems" to manage organic waste in urban areas. Basically, its product, The Harvester, grinds up organic food waste and turns it into a liquid that can be used as a fertilizer. Several retail facilities, such as Whole Foods, have Harvesters, and WISErg has attracted over $45 million in investment capital.

MowGreen.US has produced a new lawn mower, called "Reel2Reel," among its many eco-friendly products. Founder estimate that people can save about 10,000 automobile miles by just opting for a push mower and this model is certainly far better than those of a half-century ago. The younger home-owning demographic is excited about this company and all that it offers.

5. Solar Power

This is a subject that has been discussed to death. Many innovative startups are working on making solar panels cheaper and even portable. Smaller solar panels, under $200, can now be purchased to use on boats, trailers, tractors, and can be moved from place to place. Another technology is working on capturing indirect sunlight.

An even more exciting innovation has come from a German company, Solarkiosk. And it is just what the name implies. The company manufactures solar-powered business hubs for rural communities in underdeveloped nations without infrastructure. These communities have a solar kiosk that will allow them to power refrigeration, communication tech, purification of water, and more.

On a larger scale, some "big boys" are venturing into solar ocean platforms, huge solar structures that could actually one day power entire urban communities.

6. Food

Producing meat for human consumption is a costly and environmentally dangerous activity. It takes an amazing amount of energy, water, and food to raise, slaughter, and transport meat products. And there is a rising tide that opposes the methods by which animals are raised for ultimate slaughter. Enter Impossible Foods. It is a California-based startup producing meat and cheese-tasting products from plant proteins. And the taste? People are liking it.

These are just a few eco start-ups that have caught the attention of environmentally-conscious people and investors who see the future upon us. Unfortunately, governments are not as on-board as they should be, but, as stated before, we are a crafty and creative human race.