
4 Ways Technology Is Affecting The Way You Take Selfies

If it sometimes feels like the entire Internet is just one big selfie-taking competition, that's because it is exactly that. This doesn't have to be a bad thing; it's all in good fun, right? The best thing to do is embrace the ever-growing obsession people have with taking safeties, because it's not going away any time soon. In fact, with the latest technologies helping people to take better and more unique selfies, the trend will only continue to grow. Here are four ways that technology has altered the way that we all take selfies.

1. Selfie Sticks

This trend has caught on so fast that rules and laws had to be created to make sure it didn't get out of hand. Admittedly, when used in the wrong place or used by a careless person who doesn't think about inconveniencing the people around them, selfie sticks can be a problem. However, when used properly, selfie sticks can allow for wider angle pictures that can fit more people, in addition to taking video that isn't so shaky because the person's hand is constantly moving. Some people may resist selfie sticks, but there's no denying they have enhanced the quality of selfies people take in a number of ways.

2. Selfie Brush

This nifty device helps ensure that you always look your best before snapping a selfie. If you haven't seen this contraption, it's exactly how it sounds: a hair brush that also holds your smartphone so you can take a selfie right after brushing your hair. The phone is easy to access whether you're actively taking a selfie or not, but when you've got your hair just the way you want it and given yourself the perfect look, just turn the brush around and snap a photo. It's definitely one of the best pre-selfie gadgets available.

3. Touch-Up Apps

There are tons of selfie apps available, and all of them are constantly trying to come up with new and different ways to improve selfies once they've been snapped. Some apps allow you to touch-up photos the way they do in magazines, like improving skin tone or taking out blemishes. It's essentially using Photoshop to give you the most glamorous selfie possible. Meanwhile, other apps are all about being fun and creative, allowing you to alter colors, use crazy special effects, or place celebrity masks on your face. Whatever you prefer to do with these apps, it's all in good fun, and it's giving you an endless number of ways to create unique selfies that will grab people's attention after you post them on social media.

4. Illuminated Phone Case

Ask any real photographer, and they'll tell you that lighting is one of the most important aspects of any photograph. Well, the same applies to selfie photography, and now technology is making it possible to have good lighting no matter where you take your selfie. Some of the newest smartphone cases are being designed with LED lights embedded into them, as if your phone is a dressing room mirror with lightbulbs all around the outside. The case can shine its light for two hours at a time, so it's also useful during Skype or FaceTime conversations, but its main purpose is taking selfies. With a smartphone case that's basically a spotlight, no more brilliant selfies will be ruined by poor lighting.