
Keeping in shape with the help of technology

If you need to follow your heart rate after a workout or for other reasons, here are two applications, accurate and simple to use, that will meet this need:

Cardiograph (iOS and Android): Place your index finger on the rear camera, taking care to cover the flash. The software does the rest. It records your heart rate in a historical maintained in you.
Cardiio (iOS) : This application uses the camera in front of your unit and analyzes the color changes in your face that appear on each heart beat.

This is a log of physical activities online. Thanks to the Google Map interface, it is possible to highlight your route on the map to have a clear idea of ​​the distance or to go. RunKeeper is also a social website where you can broadcast your sporting achievements and follow those of your friends. Very useful for motivation!
If you own an iPhone or Android device, you can also download the RunKeeper application (in French) and use the GPS function with your phone. This informs you live your speed, distance, etc.
There are also applications such as training seven minutes to help you stay active in the road when you do not have much time to lose. Lifesum is another great application that works like a combination of both to help keep the choice of their life goals, implement plans diet and exercise to achieve and monitor your progress.

Nike + Fuel Band bracelet
With this bracelet on your wrist, you can follow day by day all your physical activities such as running, tennis, basketball, walking ... Combined with the iPhone app, the bracelet provides comprehensive statistics link with your daily activities and invites you even set goals to achieve.

Body Fat Analyzer
The body fat scales analyzers have improved greatly over the years of white plastic seats with old base arrows trial revolving around. Now you have digital scales that can show your weight, BMI, time, external moisture, when his mother-in-law to visit ... Honestly, there are loads of new additions you can get from newly improved scale. Looking at a list of products on shopping sites like Amazon or in a fitness store they list closely the same features and claim to be the most accurate scales on the market. However there are little differences you should be take note of. Be sure to get more info on the type of body fat analyzer you want. But if you want to change to a healthier lifestyle, bathroom scales are not your best friend. It can be very easy to get tied up in these little flashing numbers at you from the screen, so when looking to get healthy, not only commit to a scale to be the supreme judge of their progress, no matter how technologically advanced this scale.