
What Is Blue Screen Of Death Error And How To Fix It

blue screen of death

If you use Windows, you might not be unfamiliar with the blue screen error anymore (aka blue screen of death). It is a fundamental error in Windows and will happen when something is wrong with the hardware, software or the driver.

Because many reasons can cause the blue screen error, then you can't use the same method to fix it. From that point, you will have to diagnose the error you are encountering and then take a right solution to resolve.

However, you don't need to worry about the blue screen of death error because whenever it occurs, it will show you exact reason that causes the error. For example, if something goes wrong with your solid-state drive, there would be a change that DPC watchdog violation error will appear, plus a blue display.

By that, you will know the sub-message of the error and use it to find the reason that caused it. The best method to diagnose and troubleshoot a blue screen error is to use Google. I always found guides to fix most of the errors on my Windows computer by searching the sub-message on Google. You will find all answers there, including step-by-step guides or discussions.

Fixing a blue screen of death is not too hard. You only need to know where to get started, and I have just pointed out the place you should go - the sub-message.

Sometimes, a blue screen error comes with more detailed about the error, which appears on your blue screen. Such as, it will show the error code, the file name that caused the problem (for example, filename.sys), as well as hardware information.

Based on this information, you can easily diagnose the problem and fix it quicker. As I said above, the best method to find appropriate solutions to resolve blue screen of death error is to use Google - and it's always helpful.

Trust me! I have been used this method for years since I was used Windows operating system, and it always helps me to find a way to troubleshoot.

You should try it, too!

Have any questions want to ask about the blue screen of death error? Please leave your comment below. Or if you have any strange error messages, let me know and I will help you to fix it out.