
5 Important Questions To Ask Before Creating A Website

Creating a website is not a trivial thing that is done every day. Often in the rush you begin to create your site by following your idea and desire. Before embarking on designing a website yourself or with the aid a web design company,it is often good to ask some questions. Besides site design, logo and seo strategy. here are 5 important question you should answer before creating a website,

1. What is my idea?
This may seem like a stupid first question to ask, yet again by posing the question and seeking other ideas we can realize that adding a certain feature can be a great asset. This is especially true for bigger sites.
Stopping at your first idea is an obstacle. We must try to go further; discussing the future of your website with other people can be a huge asset. For example, a portfolio is quite banal: it is a site where we show our creations. But if we think about other ideas to make it more attractive it may fall on good ideas: adopt an original navigation for visitors browsing through or for each project showing the creation steps with some explanation.

2. What is the purpose of my site?
It's good to have the idea, the concept, but now you must have specific goals. By having a goal to achieve, you will create your site differently because you have these objectives and constraints in mind.
Take the example of a site of e-commerce. Their revolutionary concept could be to show each item in 3D on a pink background, great! This may indeed attract visitors and make waves. But the first objective of the site is to sell products and if this crucial point is forgotten the site could be a failure, simply because its conversion rate would be bad. That is to say, without having been created with the aim to sell, some things were wrong thoughts (highlighted the "Buy" button, for example, or lack of practical information) to the detriment of their great idea. So, the company that owns the site does not understand why with such a great site they do not sell enough products.

3. Who is my site dedicated to?
In marketing, we speak of target audience. This question is always crucial and shouldn't be ignored. If you are targeting graphic designers, you will not highlight plumbing!
While designing a website, you should study your target audience. Create a platform that suits them and is easy to navigate through. If you are creating a beauty blog, you should tailor your blog to suit your type of audience. Let your target audience determine your website design.

4. Will my site be in HTML? Flash?
We must of course define the style of technology to be used. Will it be HTML? will it have databases?
This issue is very important for several reasons:

  • It determines the complexity of the site and the necessary skills

  • Creation time and site update depends on it

  • Referencing will be different for Flash or HTML, with or without URL rewriting, etc

5. How will my site be updated?
A question that is often put aside being too pressed for time or lack of resources is the following: will the site update be easy? Frequent? How does one proceed? If it is for a customer, should it connect to our platform, or on the site? etc.
Indeed if every time you want to display news on your website you need to edit HTML files for 3 hours, you'll quickly be discouraged.