
Goodbye 2.4! Moving to "OPEN" 5 GHz Land.

When it comes to routers and wireless technology, I am very particular about 2 things – quality and signal strength. Why? Because these 2 things decide how well the experience of using a wireless network is going to be. If any one of these 2 factors is weak, the connection speed is going to be low and so is the productivity. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to ensure a good quality of connection with strong signal strength.

The quality of connectivity, one factor that contributes to it is the band of operation of the router. The modern routers either work on a 2.4 GHz band or a 5 GHz band. While 2.4 GHz is the common one, 5 GHz is like the premium service right now; premium not in terms of price but in terms of quality.
Summarizing the situation of these bands, it will be best to say that – 2.4 GHz band at the moment is highly crowded and the 5 GHz band, said perfectly by one of leading tech sites webpage, JustWebWorld , "It's not only pollution free, it is much more efficient". While some people might think that the 5 GHz technology is new and stuff, let me tell you that this band has been around for a while now but has never gained popularity. Don't believe me? Try analyzing all the Wi-Fi networks in your area that run on these 2 bands using the WiFi Analyzer – Home WiFI Alert and get ready to be surprised on how open the 5 Ghz land really is. This mean, no bleed over and faster internet speeds!

Here are 3 important points that will help you decide which band will be better for you.

  1. All the instruments in your home like the Bluetooth devices, mobile phones and even microwaves work on the 2.4 GHz band. This means that your Wi-Fi connection picks up noises from these gadgets before communicating with your computer. This is not the case with 5 GHz band as there will be hardly any appliance in your home working on that band.

  2. The 5 GHz band has a wide spectrum. In simpler terms, this means that the connection you receive will be uninterrupted and perform better than the 2.4 GHz band. Also, 5 GHz band is best for streaming and transferring big files like movies and songs.

  3. Technically speaking, higher frequency means lower range. Thus a 5 GHz router will although have a better connectivity but when it comes to range the 2.4 GHz band is the winner. Also, 5 GHz waves cannot penetrate solids as efficiently as 2.4 GHz waves can. However, if it's just your apartment you are concerned about, 5 GHz might just be what you need.