
How More Log Homes Can Help Save Energy And Help Environment

One of many people's financial plans is to build or buy a home. Owning a home gives you a peace of mind because you will not have to worry about the monthly rent draining from your account. Professionals recommend the log homes, which prove to have a lot of benefits both to the owner and the environment.

A common advantage of building your home with log and timber is that you will end up saving a lot of money. So how do these unique homes benefit the environment?

1. They consume less energy

This is one of the top benefits of the timber homes to the environment. The sun warms the timber from the outside during the day, while they maintain a cool environment at night. Logs are known to have a natural ability to regulate the temperature in the house, regardless of the season.

The walls can collect and store energy during hot hours, and release it in the house when it is cold. This natural process helps to reduce the overall amount of energy used, compared to a brick or steel house.

2. Naturally cleans the air

Carbon traces are known to be lethal to humans and the environment. Wood naturally helps to offer a better air quality that makes it safe and healthy to live in. The timber used stores carbon, and they also standardize humidity in the air.

3. Materials used are eco-friendly

Another benefit of the timber homes is that they are constructed with 100% green materials. Other than wood, other materials used include stones, which are natural and eco-friendly. Also, they are manufactured using green processes. There is a limited consumption of fossil fuel, meaning that the release of carbon dioxide into the environment is reduced.

The Log Home Builders Association has been working to teach the average men and women on how to build a log cabin from scratch instead of log cabin kits and they've been emphasizing on the benefits of log homes since a long time now.

Most of the building materials are applied with a stainer that enhances their durability by protecting them from corrosive elements. Unfortunately, many staining materials contain Volatile Organic Compounds that are harmful to the environment. However, stainers used on timber contain low or no VOCs.

4. No wastage involved: Renewable

Timber are one of the most renewable building materials available. The lovers and activists of eco-friendliness can opt for dead timber rather than cut down an entire forest. Even timber that was initially used for minor projects can be recycled and used to set up a stable home. As long as the wood is not ruined by insect or rot, it can be used without any problem. Trees are planted by major companies that deal with timber-based products, and this helps to sustain the environmental beauty.

Log homes are also believed to be long-lasting, which means that there will be no need to cut more trees to build a new home. Their natural properties help them to adapt to the environment easily.

Building your home can help the environment in many ways, and it will also benefit you in the long run. Since they are energy efficient, your electrical bills will be slashed down each year. Their natural durability also helps to save you the renovation costs. They also don't require paints that might be toxic to the environment.

These unique homes can also be customized and integrated to have the modern properties, while still maintaining the eco-friendliness. If you need to set up a log home, you should consult a professional for more advice on how to go about it.