
8 Essential College Tech Gadgets

During the back-to-school season, students are scurrying to shop for and pack up their last-minute dorm room supplies. Beyond the boring basics like notebooks, socks, and laundry detergent, don't forget to bring some technology essentials to make college life more functional and enjoyable.

Noise-Canceling Headphones

Sometimes you need to skip the dorm hall party to cram for a chem test. But how can you focus when the world around you is having fun? With noise-canceling headphones you can cancel out the noise without having to blast your own music. Choose a compact size so you can use them when walking to and from class or fit them in your backpack when heading to the library.

Bluetooth Speakers

The standard speakers on tablets, phones, and laptops usually lack in volume, but there isn't room for a sophisticated speaker system in a small dorm room. The next best thing to surround sound is a set of portable Bluetooth speakers. Compact and wireless, they're easy to travel with and won't take up much desk space. Today's modern styles also boast serious sound quality and range, making them a great audio choice for music listening and movie watching.

Fitness Tracker

College is when you're at your most active. Whether you're playing intramural sports, hitting the gym, or just walking around campus all day, keep track of your activity and steps taken with a fitness tracker. There are dozens of different fitness trackers, and the right choice for you will be based on your needs and goals, from step counting to sleep tracking to overall health monitoring.

Charging Phone Case

Your phone's battery can quickly drain when you're switching between multiple apps, streaming music, and Snapchatting. There's nothing worse than your phone dying midday when you don't have time to go to your dorm room and charge it. Stop asking your classmates if they have an extra charger and use a phone case with a built-in spare battery instead. Charging phone cases are slimmer than ever and won't weigh down your bag or pocket.


A smartpen that lets you write on your tablet sounds like a fad, but it isn't. Along with taking notes in class, the new generation of smartpens let you record audio and digitally transcribe everything your professor says. You can even sync your handwritten notes onto your computer and share them online. Several smartpens are compatible with Evernote and similar apps, helping you keep your notes organized in one digital location.

Smart Coffee Maker

Sometimes you need a cup of coffee before you can head to the cafeteria for another cup of coffee. With a smart coffee maker, you can have fresh, hot coffee waiting for you whenever you need it. Control your coffee maker remotely using a Wi-Fi connection—just create a regular schedule, select a brew strength, and brew whenever you need a pick-me-up.

Streaming Subscription

Forget watching TV in the dorm lounge. A streaming subscription is the best way to catch your favorite flicks on your own schedule. Netflix has long been the go-to pick due to its competitive pricing. However, as Netflix's offerings have plummeted in the past year, cable may be a better choice—or at least a supplement to compensate for Netflix's fewer options.

Virtual or External Storage

After dedicating hours to writing that A+ essay or taking notes for science lab, don't risk losing your hard work if your computer crashes. On a weekly or monthly basis, back up your documents. You can use virtual storage, like Google Drive, Evernote, or the Cloud, and sync automatically on a regular basis. Or, if you have an extensive document or media library, you may want an external hard drive for more space and security.

While you likely already have more than a handful of tech gadgets, add a few more to your collection to make college life easier. Choose a couple of these tech essentials to try out and comment with your recommendations for fellow college students.