
The Thing You Desperately Need Most - More Memory

Human Technology Products Memory Pen

Most phones just aren't equipped to store for all the selfies, videos, and memes we want to keep forever. Our memories are stored in our phones. Our whole LIVES are stored in our phones, and for many of us, our work depends on our smartphones. Unfortunately for some of us, that can result in disaster, as your phone struggles to operate your apps when your memory is full to capacity, and it happens way too soon.

Before you delete your video cache or chuck your malfunctioning phone in the garbage and spring for an upgrade, check this out.

A new cool gadget is being launched by Human Technology Products, the company that brought you the Optical Musical Object. They're launching the Memory Pen on Kickstarter - an ingenious product that solves the issue of limited memory on smartphones.

Running out of space on an iPhone or android phone is commonplace. With all the apps we run, images & videos we snap, users are often forced to delete old files to make room for new ones. The Memory Pen is a quick and easy way to store those memories for a low one time cost, and 64 to 128Gb of memory will give you all the space you need to store years of life-chronicling.

The operation is simple: Plug the Memory Pen into your device, download your files, and create more space on your iPhone or Android phone on the fly. When you are ready to offload the images from the Memory Pen, just plug the USB end into a PC or laptop and save those images for sharing. The Memory pen is also secured with a passcode, so your images can't be accessed by a random.

The Memory Pen is also an attractive, fully functional stylus and ballpoint pen designed to fit your lifestyle.

Corey Bryce is a freelance journalist based in Hagerstown, Maryland. He pretested the Memory Pen and became an instant fan: "This is an amazing technological piece of of the future. In my line of work I have to process a huge amount of print and images in a single day from my smartphone Just the other day I was covering a department store fire in downtown Hagerstown, and its aftermath. The authorities barely tolerate reporters at these types of disasters, so I have to work fast and gather tons of impressions and hundreds of photographs to be able to get the story ready for the local news media market in just a few hours. Running out of space just is not an option, and I don't have the time to go home and download my information and then come back. So the Memory Pen is just the thing for me. It's going to make me a more efficient journalist, and that, in turn, is going to make me more money!"

Corey's enthusiasm for the Memory Pen is not an isolated incident, when it comes to journalism. Several large news organizations, such as The Washington Journal, the Newport Advertiser, and The have decided to supply their senior reporters who are already using mobile devices to gather the news with Memory Pens.

And MBA candidates at the Carlson School of Business at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis are being encouraged to purchase the Memory Pen. "It's something that business managers and entrepreneurs are going to want immediately" says Paul Berenger, an Academic Advisor at the School. "Since our students are expected to create PowerPoint presentations on their mobile devices, they need a quick way to offload old one to make room for new ones."

The Memory Pen won't solve all your problems, but it will solve a critical one. When you need to video something, be it an accident, a presentation, or a historic event, You won't come up short. And you won't need to delete anything to make it happen.