
Top 5 On Board Car Technology

Current cars as we know are flooded with technologies designed to facilitate and secure the driver's life. The level of technology embedded in a car also influences the pricing and determines the car's worth. But among the myriad of equipment, it is not always easy to navigate! We briefly look back at five of them.

1. Connectivity
Today, the car is much more than a device intended to move from place A to place B. It also serves as a traveling office, which implies an absolute connectivity with your smartphone. Thus, MirrorLink functions (Android) or carplay (Apple) allow duplicate directly conductors smartphone screens and executing applications.
Your smartphone can also remotely operate your car by locking the preheating or by sending them a route directly into the navigation system! Latest find dated, worthy of a James Bond movie: BMW offers "drive" the new 7 Series remotely via smartphone to get a place close parking, without sitting at the wheel.

2. Assistant to driving in traffic
Until the legal and technical problems that still hamper the spread of autonomous driving are resolved, the increasingly sophisticated electronic aids help ensure a smooth transition. Now it is possible to opt for an intermediate solution between simple cruise control and fully autonomous driving: the wizard of driving in traffic.
In practice, once the assistant is switched on the dashboard and the necessary conditions are met, the car equipped with the autonomous driving assistant is in charge to accelerate to the maximum recorded speed when traffic is green, but also to slow, stop and even to intervene in the management. At low speed, the driver can completely release the controls.

3. Lighting "intelligence"
After daytime running lights, the xenon lights and LED lighting in recent years is the automatic headlights beam that spreads in the automotive world. The principle is simple: dark, a camera mounted on top of the windscreen control the "great lights" for the switch as often as necessary to ensure better visibility.
The system's advanced versions even allow adoption of the beam to ensure both optimal visibility for the driver and a dark area to not disturb other users. The future of automotive lighting will also require "laser" technology. In addition to lower energy consumption, these lights also allow doubling the range compared to the LED headlights.

4. Predictive speed limiter
Taking advantage of the information recorded via the cameras scanning the speed limit signs, the limiter can automatically adjust the speed limit based on local regulations. Now, this technology can be predictive and anticipate situations that the driver cannot even see through the information collected by the navigation system, traffic information and road conditions.
Concretely, this predictive assistant informs the driver via an icon on the dashboard when it is time to slow down if a slowdown or speed limits are in its path. If cruise control is on, the car will use the same information to automatically adapt its timely cruising speed.

5. Park Assist
Cars that are parked all alone: ​​the dream of many cities has become a reality in recent years. The system makes it possible to park the car semi-automatically, by simply leaving the control pedals to the driver.
These systems have become particularly sophisticated and are able to park the car in both positions (the left or right side of the street), as on battle sites or in spikes. The future looks even more promising with a smartphone application that will introduce or extract the vehicle from its location, without the driver being physically present behind the wheel.