
How The Internet Change The Way We Watch Movies

Movie on a tv

Movies may have emerged in the early 20th century, but the types of films people watch have drastically changed over the past century. Back in the early 20th century, people would frequent their local movie theater and watch any movie that was screening at the time. Dramatic films such as Citizen Kane and Gone with the Wind were heralded by the critics at the time, and people went to watch it in droves. Coming towards the end of the 20th century, there was a rise in popularity in science fiction films like Star Wars and Aliens, which were praised by everybody. As films have radically changed over the past several decades, the experience of watching movies have evolved as well.

In the 20th century, if people wanted to watch the latest flick, they had to buy a ticket at a theater to watch it. TV films were not as prominent back then as they are now. If a large group of friends wanted to watch a movie, they would book an entire row to share their experience during a film. Concession stands were later added in theaters to give moviegoers the option of buying food and drinks to keep themselves satisfied during a film. Popcorn is the most popular food ordered at these concession stands and has become synonymous with going to the movies. If you are watching a big on the silver screen, then you are eating some popcorn. Near the end of the 20th century, there were tremendous improvements made in projection technology, with the advent of digital projection enhancing image quality. This reinvigorated the movie going experience since it was waning a bit in the 1990s.

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At the turn of the 21st century, with ticket prices spiking and soaring higher than ever before, people lost the motivation and desire to watch a movie on the big screen. People were not willing to pay upwards of $10 to watch a single movie. With TV channels like HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime gaining popularity, people could now watch movies on their television just months after release, without paying for a ticket. The interest to watch movies in a theater was declining, but people still wanted to watch movies. Just not always in the theater. So movie studios thought of creating 3D films to entice moviegoers, where they would wear a pair of 3D glasses while watching a movie. The most popular 3D film was Avatar. So people flocked back to the theaters to watch 3D films and films shot in IMAX, a high-tech, wide-angle, high-resolution projection system. These so-called "gimmicks" were used to lure more people back to the theaters.

Eventually, movies online free services like increased in popularity, with their comprehensive film library and high quality streaming capabilities. People had the entire film collection at their fingertips in the comfort of their own home. With newly released films coming online in a matter of months, more and more people decided to go to the movies but instead bring the movies to their own home. People no longer rented them from Blockbuster like they did pre 2000s, but by simple streaming them on their computers. Who would have thought in the year 1960 that we would be watching movies on our computers?

The movie watching experience has gone through significant transformations over the past 100 years. We initially only had the option of watching them in the theaters, and then we were able to watch them on TV and then stream them on our computers. Who knows how the experience will vary by the end of the 21st century. People will still and always go to the theaters to watch movies, because nothing at home can compare to watching a film on a gigantic screen with an impressive sound system. Now we just have more options to catch a flick at home, with movies at our fingertips.