
Hanging off a racing sidecar is as crazy as it looks | Translogic 204

Translogic host Jonathon Buckley has done a lot of crazy things on the series, but being a "monkey" in a sidecar race might just be the craziest. In this episode, we travel to Millville, NJ, to learn more about the Sidecar Racing Association and participate in a few laps as a passenger, or monkey as they're known in the racing world. It doesn't take long for Bucko to realize just how physically exhausting it is to participate in this unique motorsport.

While the driver is steering the bike, the monkey has the important job of shifting their weight to make sure the bike doesn't actually tip over in the turns. Andrea Purdy, one such monkey, describes the experience as "high-speed gymnastics."

Buckley stumbles through a crash course on how to be a monkey before he's thrown right into the action. "I've got a bad feeling I've forgotten to do up my helmet like a bloody idiot," he says during the race, visibly terrified. Thankfully, our host survives and sums up the experience with a simple "you guys are nuts."


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