
APKBucket's APK Dowloader downloads APKs directly from Google Play

Over the last couple of years, the number of smartphone users has increased dramatically and so is the number of apps and games available for the phones. Two big OS players in the smartphone market are Apple's iOS and the Google's open-source Android.

Due to the cheaper price and availability of thousands of millions of apps and games available for the OS, Android has been a favorite choice of smartphone users. Google Play Store, formerly known as Android Market, is the official repository of these apps where users can find both free and paid Android games for their phones and tablets. But unluckily, sometimes users' phones don't support Google Play Store app and in such a scenario, users have to download APK files of the apps and games to install them on their devices.

Unlike Apple's iPhones, Android devices are allowed to install apps and games out of Android Market and users can enable this option in the security settings of their devices. Once this option is enabled, APK file of any app or game can be transferred to the phone and can be installed on the device even in absence of the Google Play Store app.

It has been a challenge for smartphone users to find original and clean APK files. Most of the APK files distributed out on the web are either infected or they are injected with annoying ads. So in this scenario, APKBucket's APK downloader is a trustworthy tool to download APK files of free apps and games.

What is APKBucket's APK Downloader: It is an online tool that uses server-side clients and libraries to download APK files directly from Google Play Store. Users simply have to provide the apps' Google Play URL or their package ID and hit the download button. The tool will grab the APK file in seconds and the user can then download the file to their phone or PC directly.

Is APKBucket Secure: Yes, APKBucket is 100% secure and it distributes the APK files without any modification. To confirm this, MD5 or other hash checks can be performed against the obtained APK files. All these features make APKBucket a trustworthy yet robust solution to download APK files of free apps and games.

Limitations: The tool only supports free apps and games and premium apps cannot be downloaded using this tool. Moreover, game data (OBB) is not fetched by the too at this moment and we expect to see this feature in the tool in near future. In addition, there isn't any option to choose the target Android version too and that may download incompatible APKs of apps and games if the target app or game has version-specific APKs but that should be a rare case.

Conclusion: If your Android device doesn't support Google Play Store official app, then you can use this tool to download the APK files directly to your PC or phone. Remember that the tool supports all those apps and games that exist on Google Play Store and are free.