
5 online tools that will improve your writing

You need to constantly practice and improve on your mistakes if you want to become a better writer. As the famous English author Neil Gaiman once said, "when people tell you something's wrong or doesn't work for them, they are almost always right".
The great thing about the internet from a writing perspective is that there are a plethora of tools available online to help you identify your mistakes and become more proficient at writing. Read on to inform yourself of five great online writing tools that'll get you closer to where you need to be with your writing.

1. Grammarly

Every writer worth his salt should be using a Grammarly because of how convenient it is. Simply add this grammar tool to your favorite browser, and whenever you input text in an email, on social media, or any other text field, Grammarly will highlight any grammatical errors you make. The tool even includes a short description of the error so that you are less likely to repeat your mistakes.

Don't assume Grammarly is a panacea that'll eliminate all grammar errors, though. You still need to proofread your writing; this tool just eliminates a lot of the hassle.

2. Essay Writing Service UK

One of the best ways to get better at writing academic essays or dissertations is to read high-quality model answers. Essay Writing Service UK provides superior sample essays on almost any subject you can think of.

The inherent usefulness of this service is that it'll help teach you what a good essay should look like, and you can then use this knowledge to improve your own essays and get the grades you want. Essay writing is a particularly tricky skill to improve at on your own and hiring an editor isn't an option for most people. This service is an ideal alternative solution.

3. Hemmingway App

Hemmingway App is a wonderful free writing tool that makes your writing much more concise. By pasting your text into the editor, the tool highlights sentences and words that are too complex. You can then edit any complicated sentences until the highlight marks are removed.

The idea behind many forms of writing is to deliver a message to a specific audience, and this tool helps you to do that as succinctly as possible.

4. Pro Writing Aid

Pro Writing Aid is a nifty editing tool that provides some excellent basic resources to help improve the flow of your text. You can choose between numerous writing styles and the editing tool will adapt its feedback specifically for that style.

There is also a premium option that gives you access to an abundance of advanced editing features.

5. Tomatoes

Maximizing productivity is an essential part of being a good writer. Tomatoes is a free online time tracker that makes use of the famous Pomodoro technique.

By writing in 25-minute 'sprints' and taking a 5-minute break after each sprint, you'll maintain an intense level of focus that'll help you get a lot of writing done, while ensuring your mind remains fresh. After each four sprints, you take a longer break of up to 20 minutes.

In truth, any old timer could be used here but Tomatoes keeps track of break times too, making it ideal for accurate application of the Pomodoro technique into your writing schedule.

By utilizing some of the above five online writing tools, you're bound to become a better and more efficient writer.