
Use emoji to search Kayak for travel deals

Because words are hard.

The inevitable march to replace words with emoji continues apace, with the world granting more legitimacy to the cartoony mini-images. Last month, an Israeli court ruled that they counted as enough "intent" in a civil case to turn the tide in one side's favor. But today is for you, travel fiends: Kayak now lets you search for destinations by emoji.

Most of the first ten emoji Kayak's search engine will recognize make sense: The Statue of Liberty translates to New York City, sushi means Tokyo, a three-leaf clover for Dublin, a slot machine for Las Vegas. Others are abstract jokes, with the rabbit emoji surfacing Chicago's O'Hare Airport (har har) and the red light klaxon bringing up Amsterdam (get it?).

Kayak is putting the next batch of 15 emoji-location pairings up to a vote, so head over if you want to elect a city you hate to surface when someone searches with the poop emoji. Or you can wait until T-Rexes and Zombies enter the emoji equation.