
'Overwatch' celebrates its anniversary with a double XP weekend

Just the thing to kill time between E3 press conferences.

While you wait to hear about what's new in gaming, maybe you can kick back and relax with one of last year's highlights. As part of the anniversary celebration for Overwatch, Blizzard will kick off a double XP weekend that will run from Thursday night at 8PM ET 'til Tuesday morning 3AM ET -- if you need something to do until then, maybe set up two-factor authentication on your account.

In between, nearly everything in the game will award double XP, no matter what platform you're playing on. That also coincides with your last chance to pick up Anniversary themed loot boxes and rewards, so play well, but remember we'll have plenty of E3 2017 news this weekend, including Microsoft's Xbox press conference Sunday afternoon at 5PM ET and Sony's event Monday night at 8PM ET.