
You can now stream Deezer on Roku devices in the US

It's good to have choices for tunes in the living room.

It just got easier to use your Roku player (or Roku TV) as the heart of a home stereo setup. Deezer has launched a Roku channel for American users, giving you access to its Premium streaming music service on the big screen. Fork over $10 per month and you'll get unfettered streaming along with Deezer-specific twists like Flow (a never-ending mix of favorite and recommended music) and special mixes.

This probably won't sway you if you're already using Spotify's Roku channel. And Deezer support is arguably more important in the service's European home turf, where the Roku channel is already available (Latin America receives support soon). Consider this, though: there aren't exactly many choices for streaming music on Roku boxes, so this adds some much-needed competition.