
Project xCloud is coming to Canada

Play games like 'Gears' or 'Tekken' in the preview starting January 29th.

Microsoft is making good on its promise to expand the Project xCloud preview in 2020 to include more than just three countries. The company has announced that its game streaming test will be available in Canada starting on January 29th, with registrations open as we write this. As in the US and UK, you'll have access to over 50 first- and third-party games (like Gears 5 and Tekken 7) through an Android phone or tablet. About the only difference is that you'll get to play in both English and French, so québécois and other francophones won't be left out.

The company previously vowed to bring the preview to India, Japan and western Europe this year. Don't despair if you're not a Canuck, then. While a full-fledged launch is likely some ways off, Project xCloud is quickly becoming more than just a small experiment and might soon catch up to Google Stadia's coverage.

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