
Users report Xbox 360 "crashing like mad"

xbox 360 crash

So, the Xbox 360's been available for, what, 15 minutes, and already the crash reports are streaming in. According to postings on Xbox-Scene and other fan sites, some early adopters are discovering that waiting on line in the cold for two years to snag a box was the least of their problems: the game consoles are allegedly crashing during a variety of games and reporting a range of error messages. There's even a pic up on flickr that purports to show the 360 crashing as the Microsoft logo loads. Sure, it's too early to declare this a pandemic and start hurling Xboxes out of windows, but it still has us wondering: How's your 360 holding up?

P.S. And yes, our Xbox has crashed a bit too — though nothing too terrible.

[Thanks, Persian]