
'Octodad: Dadliest Catch' hits the Nintendo Switch November 9th

According to a developer on the project, the port from Android was the easiest one yet.

If you haven't played the ultra-charming (and maybe a little disturbing) game Octodad: Dadliest Catch, yet, now's maybe the time. Developer Young Horses just tweeted that it has ported the bizarrely compelling (and super successful) title to the Nintendo Switch. The game will be available for download on the Nintendo eShop on November 9th for $15.

If you have played the game before, perhaps being able to replay it on the go will make it worth your money. The game, itself a sequel to the freeware title Octodad, is on pretty much every current platform, including Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, OS X, PlayStation 4 and Vita, tvOS, Wii U and Xbox One. As one reply to the original tweet notes, "Do I have to buy this game for a 6th time? Calm down, boys."

Interestingly, one of the developers at the company also tweeted that it was an easy port from the Android version of the game. This makes sense, considering that Nintendo originally planned for the hybrid console to run Android.