

  • Rock Band Weekly: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bad Company, .38 Special

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    So, next week's Rock Band DLC will include a Lynyrd Skynyrd track pack. Now, fun fact: Every time Lynyrd Skynyrd was typed in this post, I had to look up how it was spelled, out of some paranoid compulsion that I'd spelled it wrong. I wonder if "Lynyrd Skynyrd" is the music writer's version of the game industry's classic spell-anoia name: EA CEO John R-I-C-C-I-T-I-E-L-L-O. Accompanying the "Sweet Home Alabama" band, who apparently formed in Florida, are singles from .38 Special and Bad Company. The full DLC track details are posted after the break.