3d picture frame


  • Projovian demonstrates 3D crystal photo frame

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We'll be straight with ya, Projovian's latest cubic device may have garnered rad points as a prop in a first wave MC Hammer video, but unfortunately, it falls squarely on the chintzy side of things today. Adding legitimacy to the 3D gimmick stereotype, this curious "digital photo frame" takes numerous pictures at different angles simultaneously, and subsequently presents a pseudo-3D image on the crystal stand. Of course, we'd recommend just hacking your webcam to accomplish the same thing on screen with even more detail, but feel free to hop past the jump to take a closer look at this rendition if you wish.

  • DigiGear unveils EZ3D Photo Print picture frame

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While anything remotely related to 3D always has to be inspected further before taking it seriously, the gimmicky optical illusion that adds depth to an otherwise flat object has suckered people in for years. We've got 3D movies, cameras, displays, mice (saywha?), and now a photo frame that adds that elusive third dimension to any picture you print at home. DigiGear's cheesily-named EZ3D Photo Print is a two-part solution to taking any digital image on your computer and converting it to a 3D masterpiece with just a few clicks and a specially designed frame. The lenticular software allows users to import an image, outline what portions they want to see in 3D, and print the newly rendered photo in the comfort of their own home. The company "recommends" printing these images on photo paper for "best results," but we kinda sorta feel like the only way to get halfway decent results here is to shell out for the good stuff. You also get a 4- by 6-inch frame to place your freshly printed image in, as well as a few different "lenses" for portrait and landscape shots, which supposedly create "eye-popping" results without any further action. Although this kit just screams gimmick, we haven't had a chance to see its dimension-adding powers in action, but if you've never met a 3D flick you didn't like, the $24.99 EZ3D Photo Print is right up your alley.[Via PopPhoto]