
  • Windows Phone Marketplace hits 50,000 app-submission milestone

    Andrew Munchbach
    Andrew Munchbach

    Just over one month after crossing the 40,000 app-submission threshold, Microsoft's Windows Phone Marketplace has hit another milestone: 50,000. According to analyses done by All About Windows Phone, the Taj Mahal of tiles has seen developers submit just over 50,000 applications for review -- 42,655 of which are currently available in the United States. What may be more telling is the rate at which developers are submitting their wares. Over 17,000 apps have been submitted to the Marketplace in the last 90-days from over 13,000 different publishers (an average of 265 per day). With Apple's iOS App Store and Google's Android Market sitting firmly atop the mobile-app-ecosystem totem pole, Microsoft is looking to close the gap and put distance between itself and Research In Motion's BlackBerry App World. Hopefully, the gang from Redmond can keep the positive momentum going through 2012... even with its next major mobile OS revision being a minor one.

  • Wii storms the UK

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Here's the news you're going to read everywhere this week: in the first 12 hours of Wiiday in the UK, Nintendo sold more than one console every second. Those are some really fast cashiers!But as with everything, there's a downside. Preorders languish unfilled in the UK, and we still haven't seen firm numbers on how many units were shipped to that area, much less the rest of Europe, so we're unable to yet fully measure Nintendo's European coup. David Yarnton, Ninty's man on the ground in England, says that they are working hard to meet demand ... but if the shortages elsewhere are any indication, a lot of Brits will be waiting weeks Wii-free. We're guessing there's a lot of available overtime at a few factories these days ....