

  • BakerTweet, the Arduino-based pastry early warning system

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Usually when we cover the baked goods beat 'round here it's in the form of a gadget-themed confection, so anything that actually empowers our sweet tooth is not only brilliant, it's dangerous! That's why we were really excited (and a little scared) to come across BakerTweet, a WiFi-enabled, Arduino-based prototype that one mounts on the wall of their bakery. Items are added or removed via web interface, which you can later select by simply spinning the dial. When the sweets come out of the oven, press the button to Tweet your eager customers and await the stampede. The prototype unit is being used at Albion's Oven in London, but we're looking forward to seeing it hit the streets Stateside at some point in the near future (even if our waist isn't). Video after the break.[Via SlashGear]