

  • X3F Achievements 101: The First One!

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Welcome to X3F Achievements 101, a new column here at Xbox 360 Fanboy, where I get to discuss one of my favorite Xbox 360 features: Achievements, and the whoring found therein. Each week I'll be bringing you my take on the latest Achievement news, as well as my quest in both my Achievement streak, and any specific Achievements I'm working on. Not only that, but you get to participate, as I'll be giving you a means to contact me, so we can work together on getting Achievements. So read on, as I start off by taking a look at one of the coolest Achievements to come out of a personal favorite, Shadowrun.

  • Burger King 360 prize comes with steep price: Terror

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Ever heard of looking a gift horse in the mouth? It's supposed to be a bad idea. It's just not as unwise as looking a gift Burger King in his deadened, black, all-seeing eyes and learning the exact date of your death. One guy named David did just that ... and lived to tell the tale.David was lucky enough to win a Burger King sweepstakes -- an effort to promote their line of top-notch games -- picking up a premium Xbox 360, tons of accessories, oh, and the physical manifestation of fear: a Burger King mask. Sure, he enjoyed the prizes and all, but it had to be packed in with the face of evil itself, which more than negates the generosity. It's a little like getting hot, free muffins from a truck that just ran over your uncle. "Yes, the muffins were delicious, but ..."Well, at least David didn't receive a copy of Big Bumpin'. So there's still some kindness in the world. [Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]

  • Burger King games available at BK online store

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    So, did you miss your chance back in November to pick up any of the three Burger King games with your Whopper? Well, the franchise's official website has you covered, since they are now available to order online. Each game costs $3.99 individually, or you can grab all 3 for $10.99, netting you a savings just a couple pennies shy of a buck. But watch out, the shipping is an extra $11.50 on top of your purchase, so you might just be better off going to your local EBStop and trying to nab them used for $6.99 or so.[Via MGC]

  • Burger King games go double-platinum

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    What burger-backed trio of minigames reached the 2-million-in-sales mark faster than Gears of War? That's right ... Burger King's Value Meal threesome! Well, technically, 2 million is the number of combined sales (of the three games: Pocketbike Racer, Big Bumpin', and Sneak King); and each is only $3.99 with the purchase of an E. coli-free meal.Still, 2 million of these games consumed in just four weeks must represent a milestone in the evolution of fast food chain promotions. Look to Taco Bell to start thinking inside your 'Box to claw its way out of the doghouse.

  • Big Bumpin' screens are BK fresh

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    How did I miss this major announcement yesterday? Big Bumpin' is one of Burger King's soon to be released Xbox 360 games, and IGN posted some new screenshots. I'm uber excited about this one, how can't you be? Imagine it now, Big Buckin' Chicken versus The King in bumper cars, blood will be shed, feathers will fly ... priceless.

  • The Burger King Achievements

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Achieve360Points has managed to obtain a breakdown of the Achievements you can earn from the triumvirate of Burger King games set for release in late November. Each title can net you 200 points for various acts of riding, bumping, or sneaking. We've already relayed to you just how dirty these games are, when viewed in the right context. Go check out the awards and have a giggle at the names. Then come back and tell us your favorite (our pick: Not Playing Anymore!).All three Burger King titles will be available from November 19 to December 24 for Xbox and Xbox 360. Whoppers be damned, we'll try to have a review by November 20. Hail to the King. Read -- Sneak King Achievements Read -- Pocketbike Racer Achievements Read -- Big Bumpin' Achievements