

  • Video Sandwich: August 27, 2006

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    myFlash = new FlashObject('http://www.gametrailers.com/umremote310.swf', 'swffile', 480, 409, 8); myFlash.altTxt = ''; myFlash.addVariable('umid', 11079); myFlash.write(); Afraid of global warming? Hate seeing gas prices keep on going up? You can blame George W. Bush, but the secret's finally out. This hard-hitting edition of Video Sandwich reveals that every single problem in the US of A is caused by monkeys. Yes. Monkeys. These are no ordinary monkeys, though. They are college educated bionic monkeys that are trying to destroy the world. I have complete faith in our president to stop this evil menace: I mean, imagine how much he's learned due to Brain Age.The heart-stopping news doesn't stop yet, folks. PSP Fanboy revealed recently that PSPs may be used as weapons by terrorists. Well, it looks like I've uncovered one of these terrorists' videos. It shows a scrawny white guy dancing to the music of Loco Roco and is obviously used as a torture device. His awful outfit, and even worse moves, clearly go against all Geneva Convention laws.

  • Bush: government research developed iPod

    Marc Perton
    Marc Perton

    Apple has long boasted of its culture of innovation, and how this led to such products as the original Mac and the iPod. However, it turns out that, at least in the case of the iPod, Apple had a hidden ally: the US government. During a speech at Tuskegee University, President (and iPod user) George W. Bush told his audience, "the government funded research in microdrive storage, electrochemistry and signal compression. They did so for one reason: It turned out that those were the key ingredients for the development of the iPod." While we have to gratefully acknowledge the efforts of government agencies such as DARPA in some of the fields mentioned by the President, we also feel obligated to point out the accomplishments of private companies in the US and abroad, including IBM, Hitachi and Toshiba -- not to mention the Fraunhofer Institute, which developed the original MP3 codec, and codeveloped (with Sony, AT&T and others) the AAC format used by Apple in the iPod. Still, we have to bow down before his Steveness; we knew he was well-connected, but until now we had no idea of his level of influence in the area of government research. Hey, Steve, while you're at it, why not get the government to resolve the display problems plaguing the next-gen video iPod? We're sure they'll get their best minds on it and fix it in no time.

  • Bush signs DTV bill into Law

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    That's right, the ink is on the paper. Congress did their job last week and now Bush has done his. This has been a long time in the making and I for one am glad it is done. Now all we have to do is wait to see how the details are worked out. They have 3 years from Feb 17th to be exact, which also happens to be the date of the first "HDBeat Podcast".

  • Iraq war as text (mis)adventure

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    It's not often that video games and politics mix, but when they do the combination is inevitably entertaining. This entry by a disillusioned blogger is inspired by the text based games of old and takes a linear look at the Iraq war from George W. Bush's perspective. It'll no doubt tickle the funny bone of gamers that didn't agree with the war. Most funny (and true) quote? ">QUIT Oh, how we wish you would."[Via digg]