

  • Nokia Cinemagraph update brings 720p, improved desktop quality and color pop feature

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Lumia users have no need for low-quality-GIF makers, thank you very much. Why? Because they can now use the new version of Cinemagraph to create animated images in full 1,080 x 720 glory. What's more, HD cat mems made with the updated app -- not to be confused with the similar Cinemagram -- can be viewed as short high-res video clips instead of GIFs when accessed on computers. As a nice bonus, the developers also threw in a new color pop feature that lets you highlight one hue and render the rest of the image black and white. Sure, the style's been overdone, but we'll bet many WP8 users are thankful the app's expanding its filter offerings in the absence of Instagram.

  • CinematographHD case mod conceals monster video editing rig

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Oh sure, Stealth could've just phoned up NextComputing or ACME in order to acquire a beastly (albeit portable) LCD-infused desktop, but seriously, where's the joviality in that? Instead, this clearly skilled individual decided to concoct a custom rig of his own, complete with two 22-inch LCDs, lots (and lots) of diamond plate and "zero compromises." Dubbed the CinematographHD after a Lumière Brothers device from the 1980s, this massively potent video editing system also packs a Blu-ray drive, inbuilt speakers and a storage compartment for mice, keyboards and copious amounts of BAWLS. Check out the construction video just after the break. [Thanks, Justin]