

  • B.O.S.S. Wiimote shell fills giant people with sense of SNES nostalgia

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    It might be hard to tell from the picture, but that B.O.S.S. controller, built by Performance Designed Products, is no controller at all. Instead it's a SNES controller-shaped, super-sized shell that slides over a regular Wiimote and turns it into a monstrosity of memories and oversized buttons. Kudos for ingenuity, but unfortunately the playability suffers and the bulk is just too much to handle, according to Ars Technica. For $10 you can't fault it too much (and it least it isn't reliant on its own batteries, a sore subject for the manufacturer), but we think we might save that cash for some international postage to write Nintendo about its unconscionable neglect of the Wii Classic Controller with New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

  • Let your chrome glow

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It looks like the long awaited chrome controller shell from Team Xtender is nearing production. More than just a shell, this mod puts LEDs in each button, making your controller glow like radioactive skittles. Who wouldn't want that?See a nice glowing shot after the break.

  • 360 controllers get crunchy candy shell [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If chrome isn't your thing, you might like the Fantasy360 controller shells from Xtreme Enterprise. The shells come in all kinds of Skittle-licious colors as well as black and white. The shells look more or less like the colored, semi-transparent S controllers for the original Xbox. They should be available by the end of the month, and I can only assume that Xtreme Enterprises won't be liable if you attempt to eat your scrumptious looking controller. The read link points to Xbox-Scene, as Xtreme Enterprise's Xbox website was down at the time of this writing. [Via Xbox-Scene] Update 1: The site is back up. Click here or hit the read link.