

  • Start your day with DOAX2 scans

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Xboxygen has scored some scans of DOAX2 from the latest Famitsu. To be honest, some of these pictures are downright shameful. But, what should we expect from a man who designs his games drunk? Take a look at the upper left corner of the first scan for a little scissor icon. Digital pin-ups? Just for a change of pace, the second scan features actual volleyball and jet skis.Anyone care to translate, or are the pictures universal?[Thanks, gaetge]

  • Games go on spring break; Joystiq soldiers on

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi
    03.13.2006 has posted a short video compilation of footage featuring the 5 MUSTS of spring break for gamers.In the party-centric piece, you'll be treated to timely teases from such titles as Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, Outlaw Volleyball, and Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude.Heading to exotic tropical vacation spots for spring break is a rite of passage of sorts for many American college students, but we'd advise anyone considering the trip to avoid getting drunk and doing something you might regret (like appearing in an abysmal production like The Guy Game). Have fun, but just remember: don't do anything we wouldn't do![Thanks, DJ Parker]