

  • THQ buys a vowel, licenses Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune. What are the two Sony Pictures Television game shows that THQ has licensed for video games? The publisher announced that it has acquired multi-year licenses for the two venerable game shows, specifically for the Wii and DS/DSi, with options for other platforms. The first games will be out later this year. A statement from THQ Kids, Family, and Casual Games Executive VP Doug Clemmer suggests that THQ has online play in mind for its adaptations: "The opportunity to implement new features such as Wii Speak will re-imagine how these games are played and engage fans with a whole new level of interactivity," he said. No longer will it be shameful to leave the show with naught but the home game! An aside: We find it extremely odd that there's a sudden uptick in Wii Speak use a year-and-a-half after the accessory was released.