

  • Poll results: North American DS Lite launch

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    The results of our rigorously unscientific poll are in and they reveal a shocking truth: our readers like the DS Lite. Almost half of you purchased a DS Lite on launch day, an interesting fact given that most of you likely already own a DS Phat. There were those that decided to stick with the old model exclusively (14%) while others decided to wait for a lower price or a more appealing color (21%). As for the 18 readers who didn't approve of the DS Lite, we'll deal with you soon enough.

  • The black DS Lite, in the flesh

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    An employee of an (unnamed) UK games store, who would prefer to be known only as Spudstercool, sent us a reel of photos of a black DS Lite which he managed to sneak out of the store a full four days before the official launch in Europe on Friday. We know you're eager for a peek at the style of Nintendo's most exclusive handheld, so check out the pictures after the jump.