

  • Far Cry fan's lonely cry

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Will anyone at Ubisoft hear reader Luigi's lonely cry: Many sites including Ubisoft's official Far Cry site reported on a patch that was supposed to answer the prayers of the few Far Cry fans that are left. They first announced the patch on their site on Friday August 18th saying that it would be online early the following week. One week later they posted an update saying that "One small last minute issue was found which needed to be fixed." It is now two weeks later and despite a number of complaints by fans on the official Far Cry and Xbox Forums Ubisoft is yet to give us any more news. As our tipster freely admits, Far Cry devotees are few and far between, but this situation is indicative of an industry-wide problem. More and more devs are releasing slop knowing they can patch it later if enough people complain.

  • Far Cry Instincts Predator marks territory on XBLM

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    We never could figure out if the lukewarm reception of Ubisoft's Far Cry Instincts Predator on the Xbox 360 was because it was a quick and dirty port of an Xbox title with some graphical flourishes, or the rambling assembly of words they call a title. Far. Cry. Instincts. Predator. ?. Either way, we have a chance to reconsider our initial revulsion by downloading the 345MB demo the Xbox Live keepers have thrown in our cage. Like a wild animal -- with the default inventory of wild animal skills -- we'll lunge at the demo and pin it to the ground in one fluid cat-like motion, before plunging our incisors into its single map and rending all five included gametypes from its mutiplayer skeleton. It goes without saying that we do this instinctually. Predatorily. While crying.

  • Make a Far Cry map, win swag

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Planet Far Cry and TeamXbox are giving you the opportunity to unleash the map creating beast within and win some cool swag for your efforts. If you own a copy of Far Cry Instincts Predator for Xbox 360, and have mastered its map editing feature, you'll want to check out the submission rules for the Far Cry Map-Making Madness contest. The Grand Prize includes a Yamaha home theater system, a year of Xbox Live Gold, and other 360 goodies from the Marketplace and Ubisoft. Go ahead and show Jack Carver what you've got!

  • Far Cry Instincts Predator headed to the 360

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    The rumors were right! Ubisoft has officially unveiled two new upcoming Far Cry Instincts titles: Far Cry Instincts "Next Chapter" for the Xbox and Far Cry Instincts Predator for the Xbox 360. Next Chapter is being billed as a sequel to last year's Far Cry Instincts while Predator will "feature both Far Cry Instincts Next Chapter and an enhanced version of the original Far Cry Instincts game" in one package! Is this confusing yet? The press release teases, "Offering the kind of lush and deep natural environment true to the Far Cry® brand, Far Cry Instincts on Xbox 360 will captivate gamers with its enhanced graphical reality and gameplay. Giving gamers the opportunity to discover the Far Cry universe in an optimized, high-definition environment, the game takes advantage of Xbox 360's multi-core next-generation engine for improved performance." They're saying Spring 2006, while Gamestop already said March 14th. Either way, it's soon.

  • Far Cry Instincts for Xbox360?

    Blake Snow
    Blake Snow

    A new GS Xbox 360 list shows Far Cry Instincts as an upcoming game for the newest next-gen console. It could be a listing error, but a new Far Cry or Instincts remix could be in the works. A reader also mentioned that maybe this is why the game is not backwards compatible on the Xbox 360. The original game was released in September of this year for the Xbox. [Thanks, alvin]

  • Far Cry Instincts on 360 says Gamestop

    Adams Briscoe
    Adams Briscoe

    GamersReports has another release date list with some interesting developments. Apparently Far Cry Instincts has made the list slated for March 14th. The Xbox installment of this title hasn't been announced for the 360, so this comes as a bit of a surprise. However they are quick to update about how this may be why Far Cry Instincts on Xbox isn't backwards compatible on the 360. Keep in mind there is a possibility that this is an error of Gamestop's, but we'll be hearing about it if that's the case. [Via Digg]