

  • PSP Video 9 introduces beta converter for 3.30 users

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Full resolution PSP videos problematic? Not anymore! Red Kawa has quickly updated their PSP Video 9 software to support 480x272 resolution video for PSP. It was put together so quickly that not everything has been checked. With only two profiles to choose from, don't expect a full-fledged program. However, it's great to see that independent developers are already working hard to serve the needs of avid PSP fans.Download the beta at Red Kawa.[Via IGN]

  • Full resolution videos prove to be problematic

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    One of the most exciting features of the new 3.30 firmware update is the ability to play back video with resolutions as high as 720x480 (DVD quality). However, many PSP users have found it nearly impossible to create files that will play in the system. As it stands, Dark_Alex's custom firmware still appears to have better video capabilities than Sony's current official firmware.However, Chipxsd of QJ.net has been able to use Sony's Vegas video application (which starts at $90) to create a 480x272 video file that works on his system. It's unclear what that program does differently from other free programs, such as 3GP Converter and PSP Video 9, but hopefully all PSP fans will have access to full-resolution videos in time.To download the test file, click here.[Via IGN]