

  • Make My MMO: Crowdfunding June 30 - July 13, 2013

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The last two weeks haven't been quiet on the crowdfunding front. While Star Citizen takes the lead with the most news (from ever-expanding coffers to just "finding ways to make the game more awesome"), other titles had their own snippets to report as well. There's also some upheaval in our ranks: We gained a new MMORTS/MMORPG mix project but lost two others from our list when both Skara: The Blade Remains and Anthym didn't meet their goals. And yet another title makes its final appearance before moving on to Betawatch! That's right, folks; TUG is saying hasta la vista to Make My MMO in favor of alpha land. Curious as to what all else has transpired? Then check out the details after the break.

  • Make My MMO: Crowdfunding June 16 - 29, 2013

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Go ahead -- make my MMO. And here you thought this phrase only worked when interrupting a robbery! What was a unique phenomenon in the not-too-distant past has become an increasingly popular trend: crowdfunding new MMOs. Whether they're using the Kickstarter funding platform or another, more and more developers are turning to the public instead of publishers to take their designs from the drawing board and into reality. In fact, sometimes it feels like there are just too many to keep up with! Besides the new campaigns that seem to be popping up like dandelions, there are the successfully funded games to keep an eye on. So here's what we're going to do for you: We'll make it easier for you to keep tabs on both the new campaigns hitting the crowdfunding scene and the progress of those MMOs that already made their goal and have moved on in their development journeys (but haven't made beta yet). Join us past the break for the inaugural Make My MMO, a biweekly accounting of all MMOs crowdfunded. Have you heard about new campaigns that aren't listed? Send us a note and let us know!

  • Greed Monger screenshots and video show off tropical climate area

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Moving right along after tripling its Kickstarter funding goal back in November, the developers behind Greed Monger have been busy slowly bringing the crafting-centric game to life. A working day/night cycle is already implemented, and over the weekend a chunk of the tropical climate area was imported to the test server, allowing devs to finally meet up in the same space together. The character creation UI and finished models (with armor sets) will be heading in this week. The team is also currently working on avatar animation and making sure controls work. Want to get a peek at how Greed Monger is coming along? Then check out the brief fly-through video of the tropics climate region after the break. Then head on over to the official site to see the snazzy new in-game screenshots.

  • Some Assembly Required: Kick(start)ing the sandbox genre

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Sandbox aficionados are known to reminisce about the "good old days." You know, that time long lost in the past when the greats of open-world play like Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies (pre-NGE of course) enjoyed their heyday. Many a lamentation has also been heard about how things have never been the same, or how nothing has filled that void. Of course, the sandbox never died. In 2012 we started the year off with a guide to games sporting sandbox features to scratch a variety of virtual world itches and we ended with a look at some promising upcoming titles for 2013. With plenty of choices abounding, why are sandbox fans still decrying the lack of a home? It could be because they want one home for everyone to settle in together, basically one game to rule them all. But how realistic is that? Even with the plethora of offerings now, many folks want to play their ideal sandbox, and everyone has their own idea of what the perfect one would be (and conversely, what would kill it). Perhaps the answer, then, is to forget about a single universal home that accommodates the masses and actually create a number of niche games where people find exactly what they are looking for. Wait, that's already happening? Enter Kickstarter.

  • 2012: The year of the MMO Kickstarter

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Kickstarter is perhaps the biggest story in the world of gaming since the birth of the home video console or the integration of online components into consumer entertainment. No new product, innovation, or invention has carried with it such immense potential for shifting the way the industry plans, builds, and delivers its products. And with projects covering everything from hardware to companion apps, it's almost impossible now to imagine a gaming world without Kickstarter, even though it was our reality just a few short months ago. The legacy of Kickstarter is one that we're witnessing in real-time. Most of the major successful projects are slated for late 2013/early 2014 releases, giving us plenty of time to speculate on what may or may not go wrong with the crowd-funding model and the products it bears. Over the next year, games will either make it to market or they won't. Developers will squander their budgets or release on time. It's all up in the air. With that in mind, we thought now would be a good time to look back on some of the biggest MMO Kickstarter projects of 2012. The fate of some of these titles is inexorably tied to the fate of Kickstarter as a viable game-creating platform -- and maybe even crowd-sourcing as a whole.

  • Some Assembly Required: A Greed Monger interview

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    With so many games out there and in development for the themepark and PvP crowds, you had to be wondering when a different demographic would start feeling the developer love. I'm talking about crafters! Of course, the brains behind Some Assembly Required love crafters and all they represent; after all, this column is a celebration of all things player-generated, and what's more player-generated than in-game crafted goods? So trust me when I say we are always on the lookout for games that focus on crafting. And one such upcoming game is Greed Monger. We first heard about Greed Monger when the crafting-focused game appeared on Kickstarter. And we aren't the only ones keeping our eyes on this game; fan support has helped the game not only reach its initial Kickstarter funding goal but exceed many of the stretch goals as well. From the campaign page, we know some small details about the game. Joining the ranks of games like Xsyon, Greed Monger will boast a world that's nothing but what you make it. It's a blank slate with no NPCs, no buildings, and no quests -- players will build this free-to-play game from the ground up, crafting everything as they go. Of course, we were interested in learning even more, so we chatted with Jason Appleton, the game's producer and project lead, to get the scoop.

  • Crafting-focused sandbox Greed Monger launches Kickstarter campaign

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Perhaps it's from Kickstarter gaining in popularity, but MMORPG addicts... er, fans... are seeing a surge in the number of indie games in development, especially sandboxes. And joining the crowd of crowd-funding is Greed Monger, a new title that heralds its primary focus as crafting. According to the Kickstarter page, Greed Monger is being developed for both PC and Mac. Other features include non-instanced housing, no global chat, a player-driven economy, no predefined skill trees, community events, and animals that only drop crafting materials. On top of that, every finished item that exists in game is player-crafted. The game will be free-to-play, with the team's future development funds coming from purchases of land parcels, not cash shop micro-transactions. Check out a basic demo video after the cut. For more details, as well as screenshots depicting housing and a video showing off a castle that the highest contributors can acquire, check out the game's campaign page. [Thanks to Bryan for the tip!]