

  • Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and Guitar Hero: World Tour to work with Rock Band instruments

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Good news, plastic rockers -- Activision announced at E3 today that its upcoming Guitar Hero: World Tour game will work with Rock Band's controllers, including the drumkit, and that Guitar Hero: Aerosmith on Xbox 360 has received an update that "should" make the game compatible with Harmonix's axes. Nothing too wild on the Aerosmith tip, as the guitars should just work now (finally!), but Activision's had to do some work to make World Tour play nice: the game is designed for a five-pad drumkit, but it'll compress down to four to work with Rock Band's set. See? Friends all around. Is that so hard, guys?Read - Guitar Hero: Aerosmith updatedRead - Guitar Hero: World Tour

  • Guitar Hero: Aerosmith won't play nice with Rock Band guitars

    Joshua Fruhlinger
    Joshua Fruhlinger

    While the axe that comes with Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is pretty sweet, if you were hoping to just get the game and use your Rock Band guitar, you're out of luck. Despite rumors that Activision had opened its doors to the Harmonix-made Rock Band guitar controllers, early users of Guitar Hero: Aerosmith are reporting that the Xbox 360 version game isn't being so friendly after all. The sad message: "An unsupported guitar peripheral has been detected. Connect either a Guitar Hero guitar or Xbox 360 controller and press START to continue." It's like they never even knew each other.

  • Screen Grabs: Guitar Hero on HIMYM, pants not required

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Screen grabs chronicles the uses (and misuses) of real-world gadgets in today's movies and TV. Send in your sightings (with screen grab!) to screengrabs at engadget dt com. Everybody knows us bloggers are a bunch of pantsless hooligans, but a lesser known fact is that Guitar Hero: Aerosmith comes with a new pants-free mode, as demonstrated in a lengthly sequence on this week's episode of How I Met Your Mother. Problem is, Jason Segel -- who we most fondly remember as Nick the drummer from Freaks and Geeks -- likely wouldn't be caught dead playing Aerosmith on the guitar, so stop trying to mess with our heads CBS. We know the truth.[Thanks, Jeff]