

  • Finite Elemente's Hohrizontal 51 iPod / iPhone dock is its own shelf

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The world needs another iPod / iPhone dock like it needs another billion gallons of oil floating around in the Atlantic, but there's something eerily seductive about Finite Elemente's latest piece. The Hohrizontal 51 is no average dock, and in our estimation, it's a design element first and Apple accessory second. Designed to be wall mounted and hold up to 55 pounds, this stunning shelf integrates an iPod / iPhone dock into itself, and the inbuilt speakers / video outputs make it even more functional. There's plenty of space for a bedroom-sized HDTV, and if you're careful, maybe even an iMac. Too bad the $660 MSRP all but eliminates the hope of you ever springing for one, but hey, if you ever needed encouragement to sharpen your carpentry skills, you needn't look further than the source link below.