holy shield


  • Crushing blows (mostly) removed in Wrath as raiding changes

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    We've known for a while that the developers have wanted to remove crushing blows, but now it looks like they're starting the process for good: Ghostcrawler has confirmed that crushing blows will now occur only when a mob is 4 levels above you, rather than 3. Since "Boss" mobs are automatically 3 levels above the max level, that means that if you're running level appropriate content, you should no longer have to worry about crushing blows at all. As Ghostcrawler explains it, crushing blows were originally meant to discourage you from attacking high level mobs and to make bosses more challenging. Now, they serve only the former purpose, and Blizzard is working on other ways to make bosses challenging without making them so random.

  • Is World of Warcraft really World of Diablo?

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    So how do you design Diablo 3 anyway? Bargain Bin Reviews has an idea -- just retrofit World of Warcraft. Shift talent points to spells, decrease enemy health and damage and increase the number of enemies by a factor of 10 or so, do away with healing spells and tanking, and you're essentially done. It's a bit silly and a bit tongue in cheek, yes, but it also brings up a good point. In the end, WoW is probably influenced by Diablo 2 as much as it is by Warcraft 3, if not more.

  • Build Shop: Paladin 0/46/15

    Chris Jahosky
    Chris Jahosky

    So recently I put together a list of all the Build Shop articles that have ever been written on WoW Insider, and I found out something surprising -- there hasn't been a Build Shop for paladins! Today, I correct that grave injustice by looking at a heavy Protection build. Without question, a Paladin is my favorite type of tank, especially for 5 mans. Who needs crowd control? Just have the Paladin consecrate everything and let the AoE attacks fly. For those of you who haven't experienced that joy yet, I highly suggest you find a good Prot paladin and let him tank your instance.I covered Paladin tanking techniques in a past article, so I'm just going to jump right into the build. This is one that people are sure to have mixed feelings about, but then again, that usually happens on Build Shop. The most scandalous suggestion I'm making in this build is not picking up Reckoning, but I have a few reasons why -- read on to find out.

  • The Light and How To Swing It: Maximizing Paladin DPS, Part 3

    Chris Jahosky
    Chris Jahosky

    It's time for another edition of The Light and How to Swing It on this fine patch 2.3 Tuesday! Today is the final installment in our three-part series on Maximizing Paladin DPS, and there's lots to go over. With the changes to healing gear implemented now with the new patch, I'll talk a little bit about what you can do with your Healing spec Paladin, but mostly I'm going to focus how to deal damage with a heavy Protection Paladin.As usual, I will be recommending talents but don't feel tied to the choices I make. As I said last time, if you need certain talents to support your style of play, go for it -- but at least read about why you should consider taking some of the talents I suggest.Let's start by briefly examining a typical healing-orientated build, and how you'll be able to deal damage in your healing gear starting today!