

  • Photos from last night's I AM 8-BIT opening

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    As packed as last night's opening reception for the I AM 8-BIT art show apparently was, I reckon most of us never even had a chance. This is where the internet comes in! Using its unprecedented powers for Good, we're able to vicariously visit the venue's visuals. Joystiq reader Bl4xc0d3 made it and wrote back, "I went, it was PACKED! The booze was freee! And I loved kicking ass in Guitar Hero. They had two exclusive tracks that Red Octane made just for the event: one was the Megaman theme, and the other was an ikaria(?) theme. With such a small space, and over 200 people there, it was very long lines for the free drinks!" We're sure you managed ... somehow.There aren't a lot of images of the venue, or the band, or the bar, but there are plenty of the art (which is what it's all about, right?). Know of any more, send em in.Read - Flickr photos tagged "iam8bit"Read - GameChew.com's I AM 8-BIT media page [Thanks, Hunter]Read - Ken's pics at Branded NewbRead - The Game Chair's thoughts/images[Update: added in some more resources]

  • Reminder: I AM 8-BIT reception tonight in LA

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    The opening reception for I AM 8-BIT version 2.006 is being held in LA tonight from 6-11PM (Pacific time, natch) at Gallery Nineteen Eighty Eight. The exhibition, billed as "an art show inspired by videogames of the '80s," features the work of 120 artists with video games as their muse. Tonight's reception includes a performance by 8-Bit Weapon,  a surprise DJ, and a Capcom-themed bar (Bionic Commando and tonic anyone?).The show will be open until May 19th, so make sure to reserve some time while you're in town, E3 pilgrims. For interested locals, there will also be an I AM 8-BIT book signing at Gallery Nineteen Eighty Eight on Saturday.Image credit: Battle For My Affection, Roland Tamayo's winning-entry in IGN's recently concluded I AM 8-BIT contest. His piece will be on display at the exhibition, and be sure to check out the nine runners-up at IGN.

  • I am 8-bit returns with new show, new book

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Game Informer got a look at some of the work being shown at the upcoming i am 8-bit 2.006 show being held at Gallery Nineteen Eighty-Eight (7020 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA) April 18th - May 19th.In addition to getting a sneak peek at the upcoming coffee table book--featuring over 100 pieces from last year's show--they're showing off a handful of new work that will make its appearance at the upcoming show, including Dan Santat's beautiful Punch-Out inspired All Hail King Hippo (cropped image above).See also:DK and Mario playin' the game, havin' a beer"I am 8-bit": video game inspired art[Via 4cr]