

  • DS Daily: Do we need awards for the video game media?

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We're not even sure we need awards for video games themselves, and now they're talking about awards for the members of the gaming media. Game|Life is reporting that Intent Media is looking to build a better relationship between the game developers and publishers and the folks who write about them, and apparently, they believe this is best accomplished through the giving of awards. There's probably some logic in there somewhere.While this doesn't have anything to do with the DS specifically, you guys are savvy web-browsing and news-reading types, and we figured you probably have opinions about the gaming media. Do you think awards will somehow legitimatize the gaming media? Would you be more inclined to believe a review written by an award-winning writer? Or would you yawn, idly flip through the news while sipping coffee and then go on about your day?