

  • Apple's 5.5G iPods receive stealthy price cuts

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    While everyone's busy trying to figure out which particular shade of brushed metal Apple's new iMacs are going to show up in, a few major online retailers have quietly trimmed 5.5G iPod prices. Apple, who usually keeps a pretty tight rein on its product prices throughout various retail channels, hasn't matched the cuts on the Apple Store, but you can currently score a 30GB or 80GB iPod (with video) for about $20 off at Amazon, Best Buy, Circuit City and J&R online stores. Notable exceptions include Target's online store, and Wal-mart, which doesn't sell iPods online. It's anyone's guess as to what actually sparked these price drops. It could be a way for traditional retailers to compete with Apple's aggressive back to school promotions, an attempt by Apple to clear away excess stock in preparation for a brand new iPod, or perhaps just a good old-fashioned price cut. Perhaps we'll know more on August 7th?[Thanks, Matthew]

  • The U2 iPod makes a 5th generation encore

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Apple has re-released the U2 iPod in the form of a red and black 5G iPod with video. The new U2 iPod features one design element to differentiate it from the normal 5G iPod and the previous U2 iPod: "an all-black stainless steel enclosure" or (as a subtitle underneath a picture of the U2 iPod mentions) a rear featuring "striking black metal." The screenshots of the new U2 iPod on Apple's site don't show the black metal very clearly thanks to the black background, so we'll have to wait for some hands-on pictures for a "yay or nay" design critique. Fingers crossed it doesn't scratch as easily as, well, every other iPod ever made.Another bonus over the normal iPod is the inclusion of an iTunes coupon that lets U2 iPod owners download an exclusive video featuring music and interviews with the Irish rock band. Pricing is $329 ($30 more than a vanilla iPod) and shipping is currently "within 24 hours."Update: check out the Quicktime VR movie at the bottom of this page ("take the U2 iPod for a spin") for a better look at the black metal enclosure. Without the U2 signatures and the red scroll wheel (i.e. on a normal, black 5G iPod) it'd look great![Thanks, Robert]

  • Pod Guide.TV's ten essentials for your iPod

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Pod Guide.TV has a post listing ten essential vodcasts for your brand spankin' new iPod (with video). Sure, you were excited when you opened your iPod and there wasn't a slab of meat waiting for you in the box, but now what are you going to watch on it?The ten essentials that Pod Guide.TV lists are great but there is one vlog that should be on their list but it is notably absent. Tiki Bar TV is by far the funniest vodcast out there. Check it out, and tell Dr. Tiki that Scott from TUAW sent ya.