

  • Chaos Theory Extra: Touring The Secret World's Issue #7

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    I know what you're thinking. No, really -- I am a mind reader, and I've been honing my skills. Like right now, you want to know what The Secret World's next big update, A Dream to Kill, is like. Nailed it, didn't I? Of course, that would be why you came here in the first place. And this is definitely the place to be because I've been to Issue #7 and I'm going to share my experiences with you. You could just wait until next Monday when the DLC is released to find out for yourself, but why wait if you don't have to? My tour was guided by none other than Game Director Joel Bylos himself, so I was able to slip in some questions between my oohs and ahhs. Wondering what juicy tidbits he revealed? Then join me for a look at what you can expect next week along with a glimpse of the future. Don't worry; I will clearly label any spoilers for those who want to be shocked first-hand. (Hint: The images in the gallery below are a bit of a spoiler!)%Gallery-193222%

  • The Secret World unleashing Guardians of Gaia anniversary event July 3rd, on sale now [Updated]

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the horror- and conspiracy-laced The Secret World, and Funcom is hosting a week-long bash to celebrate the milestone. Joel Bylos introduced this latest event in his June Game Director's letter: Dubbed Guardians of Gaia, the event involves the awakening of massive guardians formed of the primal elements and meant as another line of defense against the Filth. Just like in the End of Days event, players will have to band together to rein in these guardians. The luckiest of players will come away from the fight with a Guardian of their very own. But that's not all. With free gifts for all players, a 30% discount on almost everything in the store, and daily bonuses (either double XP, double AP, or double SP) all week, it's a good time for players to jump into the game. As an added bonus, anyone who has ever played any Funcom title -- whether currently active or not -- will be able to log in and play TSW for free for the duration of this event, no purchase required. For those who don't, the game up on sale on Amazon right now for $9.99. The Guardians of Gaia will end when Issue #7 A Dream to Kill releases July 8th. Need a fix before then? Check out the update's comic after the break, and look for Massively's tribute to the game's first year in a special Tuesday edition of Chaos Theory tomorrow. [Updated to add Amazon sale information. Thanks to JohnT_NC for the tip!]

  • Base jump into The Secret World's Issue #7 on July 8th

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Strap on your 'chutes folks: The Secret World is letting you jump into Issue #7 A Dream to Kill next week! Funcom has announced that this next DLC -- with its mountable snowmobiles, base jumping, flamethrower, and more -- will be released on July 8th. Can't wait? You can get a sneak peek of what's to come in the teaser trailer after the break. Players have been enjoying all the tweaks and bug fixes of Issue #7 since June 26th, but the new content was not included in that patch. Once deployed to servers, the new missions and story arc will be played out mainly in Transylvania and culminate with the infiltration of Agartha by filth through the Tokyo entrance. The Agartha incident is, in turn, the beginning of a multi-patch event that will lead players all the way to the release of the Tokyo expansion. [Source: Funcom press release]

  • The Secret World updated 1.7 features today, not Issue #7 content

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The Secret World fans who might have gotten overly excited for a stealth launch for the upcoming Issue #7 A Dream to Kill are in for a bit of disappointment: Today's patch contains all the fixes and code features for the update, but does not activate the new content. That said, the launchpad announcement makes it sound like the new content can be turned on with a flip of a switch, so the new missions and flamethrower auxiliary weapon may not be too far behind. However, even without snowmobile chases, base-jumping, and flamethrower, update 1.7 is a hefty one, filled with tons of tweaks and bug fixes to combat, signets, dungeons, PvP, and more. For a full run-down of all the changes, check out the patch notes.

  • Chaos Theory: A guide to auxiliary weapons in The Secret World

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    With Issue #7 A Dream to Kill inching closer and closer, my anticipation for the new auxiliary weapon coming to The Secret World is reaching near impossible heights. I'll admit it: As a pyro at heart, I am giddy with the thought of wrapping my hands around a permanent flamethrower! And I'm certainly not alone in that sentiment, either. But an excitement for the new weapon doesn't diminish any of the current ones that are already in game; each auxiliary weapon -- the rocket launcher, the chainsaw, the quantum brace, and the whip -- is awesome in its own right with distinct skills and style. Is one right for you? Heck yeah! If you aren't taking advantage of an auxiliary weapon, you are depriving yourself of some extra oomph in your fights, not to mention an eighth active and passive skill on your hot bar. How do you know which one is better for you? Honestly, you needn't choose just one; as with regular weapons, you can earn all four. But with a hefty price of 35 SP per weapon, payable all at once, it's impossible to get more than one at a time. So which do you choose first? And then how do you go about getting it? This guide will give a general overview of the four current auxiliary weapons and the paths to acquiring them.

  • Chaos Theory: The Secret World is getting filthy

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    So apparently some of you have operatives who have successfully infiltrated the Massively secret lair because someone has gotten a peek at my master plan... I mean, to-do list... and jumped ahead to this week's topic without me! I know we've talked before about how the real-world setting of The Secret World makes it ideal for blurring lines between game and reality, but I wasn't expecting this. Well, no matter. You cannot thwart the master plan; it has already begun. *maniacal laugh* This stage of my brilliant scheme involves taking a closer look at another little nugget found in the May Game Director's Letter. On the surface we see that The Secret World will be getting even filthier at the conclusion of Issue #7 as the nefarious filth will actually break through the Tokyo gate and begin to infect Agartha itself. But more than that, we are witnessing the implementation of a long-term event that will continue to give new content as it progresses. Could this be the harbinger of dynamic events to come that will breathe more life into the world? We can certainly hope!

  • Chaos Theory: Increasing The Secret World's replayability with Issue #8

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The Secret World just keeps getting better and better. While the horror-themed conspiracy game is obvious not perfect (heaven help the rest of the MMOverse if it were!), it is definitely traveling steadfastly along that long, dusty road of improvement. Every time Funcom delves deeper into the lives and plots of The Secret World's denizens by adding to the story, it gets better. Every time new experiences are offered through new missions or features, it gets better. Ditto every time more choice is added through new weapons or customization. But for all the advancements and added content over the past year, there are a few issues that, when addressed, would get the game really trucking down that road and make for one heck of a ride. Luckily for fans, it just so happens that one of those very issues appears to be getting some attention come Issue #8: replayability. Behold the hope that is scenarios!

  • The Secret World Game Director's letter dishes more details on Issues 7 & 8

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    We already knew that Issue #7 would bring The Secret World a spy-like experience. And now, thanks to the Game Director's letter for May, we also have the title, snazzy cover art, and a glimpse at the climactic ending. We even get an expected time-frame for release; while an exact date is not given, it appears that it will hit the end of June, according to the cover art, and Director Joel Bylos himself states it will coincide with TSW's first anniversary. Issue #7: A Dream to Kill ends with filth infiltrating Agartha itself through the newly discovered Tokyo entrance, and players will continue to fight this threat with group and solo content until Tokyo can finally be entered. Bylos also reveals information about Issue #8, including the Virtual Training Scenarios and the Augment System. To prove readiness to enter Tokyo to the Council of Venice, players will have to complete training scenarios that will have random elements thrown in, making each experience different. The Augment system is a new advancement system that will allow players to improve their existing abilities by providing customization in the roles of damage, support, healing, and survivability.