

  • WoW-Playing Actress Michele Morrow: Less Sylvanas, more chaotically awesome

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    When we first met actress Michele Morrow in 2010, she was inching her way across the shallow field comprising the Hollywood crowd that plays World of Warcraft. It appeared to be a successful combination for Michele; in fact, for a while it seemed the horror flick star might actually be becoming best known as "that actress who wants to play Lady Sylvanas in a WoW movie," courtesy of a vocal Facebook page created by an enthusiastic fan. While Sylvanas doesn't now appear to be spawning in the upcoming WoW movie, Michele's been popping up not only in Azeroth itself (with a commemorative NPC on Wandering Isle) but on gamer and nerd websites across the internet and in gaming-related film projects slated to begin hitting in 2014. Reconnecting with Michele at BlizzCon 2013 unspooled a reel of geekery worth investigating anew, as well as relatable tales of the sort of down-to-earth, casual raiding and in-game friendships that so many players enjoy as the WoW experience today.

  • The Classifieds: A vacation package

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    If you remember Jeff Reitman from his performance at the WoW Insider BlizzCon 2010 reader meetup, then you get another chance to enjoy his comedy with his newly released video, Cataclysm Tour Guide. It's a brief video highlighting the exciting vacation packages made available with the passage of Deathwing over Azeroth's shores. In case you're in the mood for something a little more musical, then EmberIsolte has released a new song. This is an English translation of Lament of the Highborne. EmberIsolte really gets to show off her vocal chops here, although I'll admit I prefer the in-game language for the song.

  • 15 Minutes of Fame: A standup job of WoW

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    15 Minutes of Fame is our look at World of Warcraft players of all shapes and sizes – from the renowned to the relatively anonymous, the remarkable to the player next door. Tip us off to players you'd like to hear more about.Last week, we went behind the scenes with Boubouille of MMO-Champion to learn more about the non-stop pace of bringing readers a never-ending stream of fresh news tips and datamined tidbits. Serious stuff – and readers expressed some serious appreciation for his efforts. This week, however, we're off on an entirely lighter tangent: a standup comedian (and WoW player, of course) who brings both his WoW sensibilities and experience as a game programmer to the stage. Jeff Reitman (aka Drelana of Azuremyst-US) is all about geek entertainment, whether it's playing games himself, working on them for others to play, or yukking it up over the whole package. Read our interview with Jeff, plus video of Jeff on stage (sending up WoW plus wives, Rock Band and more), after the break.