

  • Modular AudioGear system allows teachers to tone it down

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While your offspring may be too busy attempting to snap a blur-free image of his / her instructor to actually listen to the lecture, those dedicated few who actually show up to learn may appreciate what AudioGear provides. Crafted by Logical Choice, this modular audio system is designed to allow every student, regardless of proximity to the teacher, hear his / her voice loud and clear. The system places a number of speakers around the room and equips the moderator with a wireless lapel microphone in order to broadcast their voice evenly without resorting to the tried and true screaming approach. Moreover, school's can "upgrade" their purchase in the future without replacing the core hardware in order to acquire a "voice enhancement system with infrared microphones for the teacher and students." Initial response in a number of Florida schools has been fairly positive thus far, but this thing sure would bum out the habitual nappers in the back row, for sure.