

  • TUAW Desktop of the Week

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    This week's TUAW Desktop is a bit on the dark side ladies and gents; dark and interesting. Titled Blackness and Hailing from Flickr user Matt Lew (who *ahem* failed to include any details of what he has going on here), the primary ingredient here is the Ecto Wallpaper Pack which can be had at deviantART. I'm also seeing some text-based icon replacements in the right-aligned Dock (which I know I've seen before but I can't find a link), a minimal Adium theme and what looks like iTunes controls in the menubar which I believe are provided by Synergy. Of course, there's also a ShapeShifter theme going on here, though I'm not quite sure which one. All in all, Matt did a nice job of putting together an all-over black aesthetic using a wide variety of tools and tweaks. If you'd like to see your unique, functional or otherwise interesting desktop featured in our TUAW Desktops of the Week series, check out past featured desktops as well as the original post for the rules and to get an idea of what we're looking for. Then, upload your desktop screenshot to our TUAW Desktops Flickr group. We'll feature one or more desktops each weekend, giving credit to the desktop owner, wallpaper creator and any apps featured in the screenshot (if available). Keep those desktops rolling in!