

  • Metal God Rob Halford trademarks 'Metal God' video game

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Rob Halford – lead singer for Judas Priest and the bearer of the immeasurably cooler-than-ours nickname "Metal God" – has filed a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office under the "class" of "Computer games; video games; and game controllers for computer games." The name he's seeking to trademark? You got it: "Metal God."Maybe it's just Halford watching out for numero uno (hey, if our nickname was "Metal God" we'd trademark everything from video games to hair curlers) or maybe, after getting a taste of that Rock Band DLC money, Halford has more palpable ambitions. What could he bring to the world of videogames, you ask? We've got a couple ideas: Better cover art (see our mashup above) An all Judas Priest and/or Rob Halford-themed soundtrack (who wants all the filler?) And lastly, a rhythm game for the bald metalhead – a tragically underserved niche audience [Via superannuation]